Arochukwu is a small town located at the
Southern end of Abia State in Nigeria.
It is one of the few existing kingdoms, not in Nigeria but in Africa as a whole. It still practices the monarchy system of governance. A few personalities have their roots in Arochukwu such as the late Educationalist Mazi Alvan Ikoku (1900 - 1971), and the football sensation, Nwankwo Kanu who played for the likes
of Ajax and Arsenal fc in European football leagues. Southern end of Abia State in Nigeria.
It is one of the few existing kingdoms, not in Nigeria but in Africa as a whole. It still practices the monarchy system of governance. A few personalities have their roots in Arochukwu such as the late Educationalist Mazi Alvan Ikoku (1900 - 1971), and the football sensation, Nwankwo Kanu who played for the likes
The Aros, as other Igbos, migrated from the
Middle East to their present location in then
Eastern Nigeria. You cannot mention
Christopher Columbus who discovered
America, without a short history of the
Indians who owned the land. Also, in
retrospect, the Aros came and won the land
from the inhabitants, the Ibibios, after series
of wars. These wars had a historic impact on
the town. For instance, the leader of the Ibibio
warriors who fought the war was captured
and slain at Oro Village and this is why Oro became the
chieftancy village. Amikpe Obinkita became the center where
these defeated warriors were judged. This also is why all Aro
villages assemble at Obinkita during the Ikeji festival. Any
village that is not represented was fined by the entire Aro.
Arochukwu, sometimes referred to as Arochuku, or Aro-Okigbo,
(pronounced Aruchukwu) is the third largest city in Abia
State (after Aba and Umuahia) in southeastern Nigeria and
homeland of the Igbosubgroup, Aro people. It is composed of 19
villages with an overall leader called Eze Aro. Arochukwu is a
principal historic town in Igboland. It was also one of the cities
in the Southern protectorate conquered by the British colonial
government. Several historic tourist sites exist in the city. The
mystic Ibini Ukpabi shrine, the slave routes and other relics of
the slave trade era are frequently visited by tourists. It is also
in the food belt of Abia state where most of the staple foods are
The Arochukwu town has 19 villages namely: (Not
alphabetically ordered.)
UJARI, AMASU, IBOM. (These villages are what is known as
AND AMUVI. (These villages sums up the AMUZE.)
Each of these villages are characterized by their respective
cultural displays. For instance, Obinkita village (Landlord of all
Aro) is known by their masquerades called Ekpo. Atani
villages are identified by their Ugboali for example madam Mary
Arochukwu town is divided into three classes:
OKENNACHI,EZEAGWU, AND IBOM ISI. These villages are then
merged into these classes due to their migration from one
village to another. This inter-village migration not only
populated Arochukwu but brought internal progression that
helped split the villages into these classes as seen below. Note
also that EzeAgwu is split into two Umumna Okpara Agwu and
Okpara Ezo Agwu.
Ekpe Aro
The population of Aro is approximately 60,000 and every Aro
indigene is a proud person due to the fact that we are the
cultural chief in all Iboland. Our culture is being examplarily
practised in all Iboland and this is how the "Aro-Okigbo" came
about. The slave era found most Aro people migrating to all
parts of Nigeria spreading the religion of Aro heritage. This
heritage, became adopted by the host in all the cities and towns
in Iboland where an Aro man lives.
The branch out of Aros to other Iboland, for example, ARO
AJALLI,ARO ORU,ARO NKWESI,etc., did not only personalized
the Aros but had an ARO-MATIC effects to the entire Iboland.
These Aros that migrated still have a bonding link with the
villages they had left behind.
The new Yam Festival is a period where all Aro cultures are
displayed. The activities of these events are very fascinating
and interesting to watch. All villages prepare for this wonderful
occasion that starts and ends in September of every year. Any
village/s that is not represented as I mentioned earlier on, will
be fined. The place of this meeting is called "Amikpe Obinkita."
The American Beauty Pageant has judges who decide the
winner of the Pageant. So also, during this festival 19 Judges are
appointed by the Eze of Aro including the Eze Aro who will
select the best village presentation on the Ekekpe day which is
the outstanding day of the festival. These judges will then
assemble at Obinkita recording and checkmarking events. At
the conclusion of Ekekpe day, the Eze then announces the No.
One village in the entire town. Also other identifiable villages
that host some of these events as per another market day
includes: "AKUMANNAOBI" who is from Ugwuakuma village. The
UGWUAKUMA village host the "MGBAPE AWADA" which
signifies the begiining of the New Yam festival (IKEJI) for all
Aros. As the events are heated up, every village must homage
to the Eze Aro by going to Oro village with their heritage. The
Eze Aro in return, will bless them and the village they
NKWO …..…………………………. NKWOEKPE
EKE ………........……………………. EKEODU/EKEKPE
ORIE ……….......…………………… ORIE GBUGBU
AFOR …………....…………………. AFOROSU
The "EKPE SOCIETY" is predominantly becoming a domineering
factor in Aro whereby if you are not a member, you tend to feel
isolated. I vividly remembered my age mates who will proudly
come to me and asked "I BAKWARA EKPE?" or are you
"IKPOO?". It is the man’s thing. Besides the Ekpe society, we
also have the "OBON" that plays all night.
Arochukwu is believed to have been the homeland of
the Ibibio as they arrived in 300 AD from the Benue valley and
founded early states like Obong Okon Ita and Ibom. Many years
passed as Igbo immigrants came along and pressed into the
Ibibio occupied territory and founded several states. The first
Igbo group were the Ezeagwu group led by their leader Agwu
Inobia. As Aro-Ibibio wars occurred, there was a stalemate. In
reaction, the Eze Agwu clan invited a priest named Nnachi from
the Edda clan of northeastern Igboland and another group from
the east of the Cross River through Nnachi. These people were
identified as the Akpapeople. Akpa forces led by Osim and
Akuma Nnubi, they helped the Igbo forces capture the rest of
the area. This formed the alliance of 19 new and old states in
the area known as the Arochukwu kingdom around 1650-1700.
The first king (or Eze Aro) of a unified Arochukwu was
Akuma but after his death, Nnachi son's Oke Nnachi took over
and his descendants have the throne to this day.
By the mid-18th century, there were mass migrations of
several Aro business families into the Igbo hinterland and
adjacent areas. This migration, influence of their god Ibini
Ukpabi through priests, and their military power backed up by
alliances with several related neighboring Igbo and
eastern Cross River militarized states
(particularly Ohafia, Abam, Abiriba, Afikpo, Ekoi, etc.) quickly
established the Aro Confederacy as a regional economic power.
However, Aro economic hegemony was threatened by the
penetration of Europeans, mainlyBritish colonists in the wake of
the 20th century. Tensions finally led to bloodshed and
the Anglo-Aro War took place from 1901-1902. The Aro
Confederacy stoutly resisted but were eventually defeated.
This helped the British to occupy the rest of what is now known
as Eastern Nigeria.
The city of Onitsha was founded by Igbo group from Arochukwu
under the leadership of Eze Chima. People of Arochukwu
founded many other communities both within and outside
Arochukwu is one of the only cities in Igboland named after
God. Though named after God, it was named this before the
advent of Christianity in Igboland, stemming from the belief in
one supreme being. Aro translates as Spear and Chukwu as
God. Put together this could imply Spear of God.
Ibibio Presence
Before Igbo arrival in the Aro territory, a Semi-Bantu group of
the Ibibio arrived around 300 AD from the Benue Valley. They
mainly inhabited the area now known as Southeastern Nigeria..
Prominent settlements were Ibom and Obong Okon Ita. These
hunters and farmers perhaps lived peacefully until foreign
settlers invaded.
Igbo Migration and Invasion
The Igbo migration led by Eze Agwu clan among the Ibibio in the
Aro territory started around the 17nth century. These were
merchants, land hungry people, and laboreres from the Igbo
heartland. Tensions escalated between the Eze Agwu group led
by Agwu Inobia and Obong Okon Ita kingdom led by Akpan Okon
resulting in the Aro-Ibibio Wars. Neither group had a victorious
position in the war. Eze Agwu asked Priest Nnachi of the Edda
clan near Afikpo for help. The alliance also supported prince
Kakpokpo Okon’s coup against his brother Akpan Okon. The war
escalated and Nnachi called on Eastern Cross River allies for
Akpa invasion and the foundation of Arochukwu
Osim and Akuma Nnubi were Akpa merchant princes from the
Akamkpa area. They led Akpa forces into the Aro territory to
assist their Igbo allies to victory. However, this came at the cost
of Osim losing his life at the start of the 18th century. With the
Akpas and Igbos being victorious, the Arochukwu kingdom was
founded with Akuma as its first king or EzeAro. After Akuma
died, the Igbo took over the throne starting with Nnachi's son
Oke Nnachi in 1720. Many changes occurred as Arochukwu
expanded into 19 city-states due to the increasing population
and Aro colonies were forming throughout the area now known
as Southern Nigeria.
Aro Confederacy
By the mid-18th century, there were mass migrations of several
Aro business families into the Igbo hinterland and adjacent
areas. This migration, influence of their god Ibini Ukpabi
through priests, and their military power supported by alliances
with several related neighboring Igbo and eastern Cross River
militarized states (particularly Ohafia, Abam, Abiriba, Afikpo,
Ekoi etc.) quickly established the Aro Confederacy as a
regional economic power.
Aro activities helped coastal Niger Deltacity-states become
important centers for the export of palm oil and slaves. Such
city-states included Opobo,Bonny, Brass, Calabar as well as
other slave trading city-states controlled by the Ijaw, Efik and
Igbo. The Aros formed a strong trading network, colonies, and
incorporated hundreds of communities that formed into
powerful kingdoms. The Ajalili, Arondizuogu, and Bende
Kingdoms were the most powerful Aro states in the
Confederacy after Arochukwu. Some were founded and named
after Commanders and Chiefs like Izuogu Mgboko and Iheme
whom led Aro forces to conquer Ikpa Ora and founded
Arondizuogu. Later Aro commanders such as Okoro Idozuka also
of Arondizuogu expanded the state's borders through warfare in
the start of the 19th century. The Aro Confederacy's power,
however, was mostly derived from its economic and religious
position. With European colonists on their way at the end of the
19th century, things changed.
British Conquest
British Colonialism in the late 19th century turned Anglo-Aro
relations sour. Aro leaders knew that Christianity, colonialism,
and end of their monopoly would destroy Aro economic rule.
Also the British felt that repeated Aro attacks rendered
outright war inescapable. They made plans for war in 1899. The
conflict had both religious and economic causes. Aro traders and
the Royal Niger Company, had their own issues. An Aro invasion
of Obegu in 1901 started the Anglo-Aro War. In 1902, following a
direct attack on Arochukwu and months of fighting, the British
were victorious. The Aro Confederacy's power was shattered,
making it easier for the British to take over the Eastern
Nigerian region although resistance in the area was far from
over. Although Aro dominance crumbled in March 1902, many
Aros took part in later resistances against the British in in the
region such as Afikpo (1902–1903), Ezza (1905), and other
areas where the Aro had a particularly significant presence.
When Nigeria won independence from Great Britain in 1960,
ethnic tensions rose between the regions resulting in the
Nigerian Civil War in 1967-1970. After the war, the Aros and the
rest of the Igbo People suffered discrimination from other
Nigerians. Many Igbo moved out of Nigeria. Aro culture
suffered. However, they are currently efforts to unite Aro
people and revive their culture.
displayed. The activities of these events are very fascinating
and interesting to watch. All villages prepare for this wonderful
occasion that starts and ends in September of every year. Any
village/s that is not represented as I mentioned earlier on, will
be fined. The place of this meeting is called "Amikpe Obinkita."
The American Beauty Pageant has judges who decide the
winner of the Pageant. So also, during this festival 19 Judges are
appointed by the Eze of Aro including the Eze Aro who will
select the best village presentation on the Ekekpe day which is
the outstanding day of the festival. These judges will then
assemble at Obinkita recording and checkmarking events. At
the conclusion of Ekekpe day, the Eze then announces the No.
One village in the entire town. Also other identifiable villages
that host some of these events as per another market day
includes: "AKUMANNAOBI" who is from Ugwuakuma village. The
UGWUAKUMA village host the "MGBAPE AWADA" which
signifies the begiining of the New Yam festival (IKEJI) for all
Aros. As the events are heated up, every village must homage
to the Eze Aro by going to Oro village with their heritage. The
Eze Aro in return, will bless them and the village they
NKWO …..…………………………. NKWOEKPE
EKE ………........……………………. EKEODU/EKEKPE
ORIE ……….......…………………… ORIE GBUGBU
AFOR …………....…………………. AFOROSU
The "EKPE SOCIETY" is predominantly becoming a domineering
factor in Aro whereby if you are not a member, you tend to feel
isolated. I vividly remembered my age mates who will proudly
come to me and asked "I BAKWARA EKPE?" or are you
"IKPOO?". It is the man’s thing. Besides the Ekpe society, we
also have the "OBON" that plays all night.
Arochukwu is believed to have been the homeland of
the Ibibio as they arrived in 300 AD from the Benue valley and
founded early states like Obong Okon Ita and Ibom. Many years
passed as Igbo immigrants came along and pressed into the
Ibibio occupied territory and founded several states. The first
Igbo group were the Ezeagwu group led by their leader Agwu
Inobia. As Aro-Ibibio wars occurred, there was a stalemate. In
reaction, the Eze Agwu clan invited a priest named Nnachi from
the Edda clan of northeastern Igboland and another group from
the east of the Cross River through Nnachi. These people were
identified as the Akpapeople. Akpa forces led by Osim and
Akuma Nnubi, they helped the Igbo forces capture the rest of
the area. This formed the alliance of 19 new and old states in
the area known as the Arochukwu kingdom around 1650-1700.
The first king (or Eze Aro) of a unified Arochukwu was
Akuma but after his death, Nnachi son's Oke Nnachi took over
and his descendants have the throne to this day.
By the mid-18th century, there were mass migrations of
several Aro business families into the Igbo hinterland and
adjacent areas. This migration, influence of their god Ibini
Ukpabi through priests, and their military power backed up by
alliances with several related neighboring Igbo and
eastern Cross River militarized states
(particularly Ohafia, Abam, Abiriba, Afikpo, Ekoi, etc.) quickly
established the Aro Confederacy as a regional economic power.
However, Aro economic hegemony was threatened by the
penetration of Europeans, mainlyBritish colonists in the wake of
the 20th century. Tensions finally led to bloodshed and
the Anglo-Aro War took place from 1901-1902. The Aro
Confederacy stoutly resisted but were eventually defeated.
This helped the British to occupy the rest of what is now known
as Eastern Nigeria.
The city of Onitsha was founded by Igbo group from Arochukwu
under the leadership of Eze Chima. People of Arochukwu
founded many other communities both within and outside
Arochukwu is one of the only cities in Igboland named after
God. Though named after God, it was named this before the
advent of Christianity in Igboland, stemming from the belief in
one supreme being. Aro translates as Spear and Chukwu as
God. Put together this could imply Spear of God.
Ibibio Presence
Before Igbo arrival in the Aro territory, a Semi-Bantu group of
the Ibibio arrived around 300 AD from the Benue Valley. They
mainly inhabited the area now known as Southeastern Nigeria..
Prominent settlements were Ibom and Obong Okon Ita. These
hunters and farmers perhaps lived peacefully until foreign
settlers invaded.
Igbo Migration and Invasion
The Igbo migration led by Eze Agwu clan among the Ibibio in the
Aro territory started around the 17nth century. These were
merchants, land hungry people, and laboreres from the Igbo
heartland. Tensions escalated between the Eze Agwu group led
by Agwu Inobia and Obong Okon Ita kingdom led by Akpan Okon
resulting in the Aro-Ibibio Wars. Neither group had a victorious
position in the war. Eze Agwu asked Priest Nnachi of the Edda
clan near Afikpo for help. The alliance also supported prince
Kakpokpo Okon’s coup against his brother Akpan Okon. The war
escalated and Nnachi called on Eastern Cross River allies for
Akpa invasion and the foundation of Arochukwu
Osim and Akuma Nnubi were Akpa merchant princes from the
Akamkpa area. They led Akpa forces into the Aro territory to
assist their Igbo allies to victory. However, this came at the cost
of Osim losing his life at the start of the 18th century. With the
Akpas and Igbos being victorious, the Arochukwu kingdom was
founded with Akuma as its first king or EzeAro. After Akuma
died, the Igbo took over the throne starting with Nnachi's son
Oke Nnachi in 1720. Many changes occurred as Arochukwu
expanded into 19 city-states due to the increasing population
and Aro colonies were forming throughout the area now known
as Southern Nigeria.
Aro Confederacy
By the mid-18th century, there were mass migrations of several
Aro business families into the Igbo hinterland and adjacent
areas. This migration, influence of their god Ibini Ukpabi
through priests, and their military power supported by alliances
with several related neighboring Igbo and eastern Cross River
militarized states (particularly Ohafia, Abam, Abiriba, Afikpo,
Ekoi etc.) quickly established the Aro Confederacy as a
regional economic power.
Aro activities helped coastal Niger Deltacity-states become
important centers for the export of palm oil and slaves. Such
city-states included Opobo,Bonny, Brass, Calabar as well as
other slave trading city-states controlled by the Ijaw, Efik and
Igbo. The Aros formed a strong trading network, colonies, and
incorporated hundreds of communities that formed into
powerful kingdoms. The Ajalili, Arondizuogu, and Bende
Kingdoms were the most powerful Aro states in the
Confederacy after Arochukwu. Some were founded and named
after Commanders and Chiefs like Izuogu Mgboko and Iheme
whom led Aro forces to conquer Ikpa Ora and founded
Arondizuogu. Later Aro commanders such as Okoro Idozuka also
of Arondizuogu expanded the state's borders through warfare in
the start of the 19th century. The Aro Confederacy's power,
however, was mostly derived from its economic and religious
position. With European colonists on their way at the end of the
19th century, things changed.
British Conquest
British Colonialism in the late 19th century turned Anglo-Aro
relations sour. Aro leaders knew that Christianity, colonialism,
and end of their monopoly would destroy Aro economic rule.
Also the British felt that repeated Aro attacks rendered
outright war inescapable. They made plans for war in 1899. The
conflict had both religious and economic causes. Aro traders and
the Royal Niger Company, had their own issues. An Aro invasion
of Obegu in 1901 started the Anglo-Aro War. In 1902, following a
direct attack on Arochukwu and months of fighting, the British
were victorious. The Aro Confederacy's power was shattered,
making it easier for the British to take over the Eastern
Nigerian region although resistance in the area was far from
over. Although Aro dominance crumbled in March 1902, many
Aros took part in later resistances against the British in in the
region such as Afikpo (1902–1903), Ezza (1905), and other
areas where the Aro had a particularly significant presence.
When Nigeria won independence from Great Britain in 1960,
ethnic tensions rose between the regions resulting in the
Nigerian Civil War in 1967-1970. After the war, the Aros and the
rest of the Igbo People suffered discrimination from other
Nigerians. Many Igbo moved out of Nigeria. Aro culture
suffered. However, they are currently efforts to unite Aro
people and revive their culture.
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